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Parenting Coaching is not something that is ever offered before we become parents.

Embarking on the journey of parenthood is a monumental decision – one that turns ideas into reality, often turning your world upside down. Amidst the multitude of parenting books that flood the market, it is a challenge to choose the one that resonates with your needs. And let’s face it, reading about parenting skills might not be at the top of your list when you finally find a moment of respite as a parent.

There are parenting workshops offered which hold promise, yet their timing might not align with your immediate needs. Children grow at an astonishing pace, rendering the advice you sought irrelevant for their current stage. It is a common assumption that parenthood is a natural skill set, given our ability to bring children into the world. We ‘should’ know how to do this. This belief can make it uncomfortable and embarrassing to admit to our own insecurities and inadequacies in this domain.

Yet one of the questions that we seldom ask ourselves is: how were we parented? Delving into this question can be illuminating.

Moreover, it might be helpful to ask ourselves:

  • What Parenting Legacy Do I Carry? What deeply ingrained experiences from my own upbringing influence my choices now? How can I consciously deviate from this legacy if I wish to?
  • Defining My Parenting Aspirations: What kind of parent do I aspire to be?

Our childhoods are composed of diverse experiences, shaping our perspectives on parenting. We may perpetuate behaviours we recall as ‘good’ and fervently avoid repeating what we remember as painful. But do we truly succeed in these intentions?

Parenting Coaching offers a dedicated space to explore these questions and navigate the challenges of raising children. It is a resource for developing skills, fostering open dialogues, and evolving into the parent you aspire to be.

The greatest lessons in life, if we would but stoop and humble ourselves, we would learn not from the grown-up learned men, but from the so-called ignorant children.


Every home is a university and the parents are the teachers.

Parenting with a toddler
A Frustrated Parent
We are a Family